Disappointment, anger, and anxiety filled my heart when the COVID Delta variant outbreak caused a lockdown in Sydney and cancelled speaking trips to Perth and Brisbane, and other in-person events.
I love these speaking tours – connecting with people and hearing about God working in churches and people in other parts of Australia. I also enjoy being a channel of God’s blessing.
The lockdown cancelled opportunities to help hundreds of people with the message of Redefining Success according to Jesus (RDSAJ). I lost thousands of dollars in speaking fees, book sales and potential donors, and I don’t qualify for any government assistance. I missed out on emotional connections and affirmation from speaking. Though it was not my fault, I still felt like I failed because I did not earn enough.
Student conference in person in Perth watching a pre-recorded video
I cried out to Jesus and tried to listen. I prayed with people in my Life Group for ourselves and for billions throughout the globe suffering from COVID – the virus and the disruptions.
Jesus reminded me that success is not to be defined by fruitful speaking events, affirmation and book sales. My security is not to be in our finances. God sees us and He is a good Father and trustworthy.
Easy to know in theory but challenging to apply, especially when life does not go according to our plans. Lockdown, cancellations, financial loss or suffering can reveal our blind spots – where we wrongly placed our security and identity in anyone or anything other than God. Then we can refute worldly success and redefine success according to Jesus as a vital part of our lifelong discipleship.
How about you?
Are you feeling successful or struggling with feeling like a failure? Is your definition of success harming you?
Maybe, you feel unhappy, anxious, tired, restless. Or you suffer the ‘never enough’ syndrome – ‘my career, house, lifestyle … are not enough and I am not good enough.’
Are you willing to admit your struggles to define success according to Jesus?
Perhaps you want to connect with the real Jesus, receive His help and apply His life-giving definitions of success. But trying on your own hasn’t worked. To significantly progress from good intentions to action and experience transformation, we need support and accountability from others on the same journey.
Join me and others on the Redefining Success according to Jesus Online Challenge
The 7-week course will start soon!
Flexibility – you can join individually or with a partner, family, friends.
Groups able to meet in person can use one device and discuss and pray in pairs. People in lockdown signing up with their friend(s) will be in the same Zoom breakout room.
You will receive a free Redefining Success according to Jesus e-Book.
To accommodate as many time zones as possible, we are offering 2 options:
Every Thursday 23rd September to 4th November 2021
Or Every Friday 24th September to 5th November 2021
If you are unsure what time the meeting will take place in your time zone, please use https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html
To gain the most from the Redefining Success Challenge, you need to invest:
- A heart open to the real Jesus to inspire, convict, change and empower us.
- Attend weekly meetings or watch the replay.
- Schedule time each week to read the relevant sections of the book, reflect and journal.
Up to you to schedule short daily sessions, or fewer but longer sessions, etc. We suggest a minimum of 3 hours per week because life transformation is not a quick fix. - A 15-minute conversation on your application each week.
More information on redefiningsuccess.com.au/events
Or email questions to info@redefiningsuccess.com.au
You can be part of a journey that will inspire, surprise, challenge, and potentially transform you.
You can purchase the book from our website or download the first chapter for free.
Journeying together with you,