

Integrating Redefining Success according to Jesus

Dear Partners in the Gospel, We all face challenges integrating our lives, especially when we follow Jesus. Social media, the 24-hour news cycle, the rising cost of living, the whirlpool of self-absorption, manipulative marketing, middle-class values of individualism, consumerism and pleasure-seeking,

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Photo of sunny day with trees surrounding a lake and hills in the background.

Celebrating Easter but missing Jesus

As I look forward to celebrating Easter, I feel sad seeing people preoccupied with a holiday, the Easter bunny or eggs – chocolate or real, hot cross buns and religious rituals, but they miss Jesus. Can Christians attend church, sing,

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photo of a park in Australia

Expect the Unexpected for 2023

Dear Friends,  What slogan might tempt you to visit a country? Maybe the last one alarmed you more than interested you? How about the motto ‘Expect the Unexpected!’?Papua New Guinea used this catchphrase some years back. I commend their honesty! Unlike

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False Humility and Success

Dear friends, Sydney is in spring, and our azalea, camelia, clivea, and rhododendron are flowering beautifully. Wherever you might be, I hope you can be refreshed by God’s creation. Redefining Success as a Church was the topic of my last letter.

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Redefining Success as a Church

Dear Friends,  Perhaps you, like me, experienced mixed emotions upon hearing about the disgrace and downfall of a few renowned Christian leaders and mega-churches. Instead of bringing the light to a dark and needy world, they brought shame to the

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Easter Suffering and Victory

Dear Friends,  Soon we’ll celebrate Easter. Perhaps you, like many, have grown up hearing the Easter narrative. It is familiar and we quickly jump to Easter Sunday and the resurrection. We might forget that on Good Friday, Jesus looked vanquished,

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Redefining Success While Suffering COVID

Dear Friends,  On 8th January, I tested positive on COVID PCR test. I was a week out from getting my booster. Family and friends prayed for a quick recovery. I believe being vaccinated prevented it from getting to my lungs.

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Closing 2021 And 2022 Resolutions

Dear Friends,  What might hinder you from saying goodbye to 2021 and moving on? When reading a book, we turn the page and move on upon finishing a chapter. But in life, sometimes we get stuck or keep going back

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Which Version of Jesus for Christmas?

Dear Friends,  Which version of Jesus will you focus on this Christmas? Two thousand years after His birth, Jesus is portrayed as a baby, possibly more than any other image. And who doesn’t love baby Jesus? He’s mild, cute, non-confrontational

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Thriving Through Adversity

This exceptional photo titled Hardship of Life by Mehmet Aslan won the Siena International Photo of the year award.(1) Munzir, the father, lost his right leg when a bomb was dropped at a market during the war in Syria. His son, Mustafa,

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Who is Your Guide

I love bushwalking. Occasionally, I like to try a new trail or to go off the beaten track. A few weeks back, a stranger mentioned a trail that followed a creek and after one hour, I should reach a secluded

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Omar Djoeandy "Redefining Success"

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“Worldly Definitions of Success are Harming Us”

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