Which Version of Jesus for Christmas?

Dear Friends, 

Which version of Jesus will you focus on this Christmas?

Two thousand years after His birth, Jesus is portrayed as a baby, possibly more than any other image. And who doesn’t love baby Jesus? He’s mild, cute, non-confrontational and safe.

But even as a baby, the real Jesus of the Bible was a King. He grew up to be the man who confronted self-serving and unjust political and religious leaders and systems. The real Jesus knows all our thoughts and will confront us too. He’ll point out our selfishness and addictions to worldly gain. Not to condemn or shame us, but to invite us to be honest with Him and turn away from self-absorption and harmful definitions of success. Jesus wants to rescue us from the stranglehold of worldly success.

Maybe the ‘Santa Claus Jesus’ is more seductive for you. This is the preferred middle-class image of Jesus, especially at Christmas time. A Jesus that doesn’t mind a little materialism, consumerism and indulgence. A Jesus who will grant our wishes. Perhaps greed is a blind spot in our modern middle-class discipleship?

The real Jesus of the Bible said, “Sell your possessions and give to the poor.” (Luke 12:33)

Do we really need more stuff? Let’s avoid buying more for ourselves and give generously to the gospel ministry and the poor. Instead of people giving us presents we don’t need, how about asking them to donate to missions or charities on our behalf? The underprivileged will appreciate food and essentials so much more. As a bonus, we will experience the joy of giving.

Let’refute the ‘perpetual baby Jesus’ or ‘Santa Claus Jesus’ or any other false Jesus this Christmas and focus on the real Jesus of the Bible.

A Christmas prayer

Lord Jesus,
I want this Christmas to be more about You than about me or us;
to be a channel of Your blessings more than to hoard;
to worship You more than the glitters of this world.
May my life be an offering of worship to You,
and a gift of Your presence to people around me.
For Your honour and glory,

A Christmas gift that truly enriches

Redefining Success according to Jesus is a discipleship tool that facilitates readers to listen to the real Jesus of the Bible and apply His life-giving definition of success.

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A participant on the RDSAJ Online course purchased a box of 27 books for Christmas gifts.

Outside of Australia and NZ – buy the paperback on Amazon, Book Depository, Barnes and Noble, etc through Redefining Success According to Jesus – Ark House (arkhousepress.com)
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Endorsement from a recent participant:

Having been a Pastor and Christian Author, I have been more vigilant than ever to walk out God’s plan for my life in the last three years. Yet, I felt like a complete failure in 2021!

I couldn’t work out the source of such feelings until I began reading Redefining Success according to Jesus and doing the online course. Turns out my internal measures of success are really worldly definitions of success and unhealthy … and I didn’t even know it!

Jesus didn’t think I was a failure at all! I just needed to redefine my own internal concept of success, according to His definition. Since doing the course, I have felt a great sense of freedom to live out all He has put before me without regret and with renewed courage!

 Melanie J Saward, author of Ministry Stinks and Disillusioned – purchase book here

More info on redefiningsuccess.com.au/events/

This Christmas, pause and focus on the real Jesus of the Bible. Reflect on the depth of God’s love for all humanity – that He proved once and for all by giving us His Son. May our hearts be filled with admiration, awe, gratitude and joy.



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